A kid of the '80s and '90s, I'm a glutton for nostalgia related to that period — I miss Blockbuster Video, Borders, and Friday nights at the mall!

I was the kid who always had his head stuck in a book growing up. It's a character trait that has carried over with me to adulthood. I'm still known to be awake at all hours of the night glued to the pages of a good read. I consider myself a reformed comic book geek, though I'm known to pop in and see what's new in the world of Marvel's X-Men and Avengers from time to time. In addition, I have an unhealthy habit of buying vinyl records most people would probably consider junk.

After earning my BA in Creative Writing from the University of North Texas with additional studies in Communications and Radio-Television-Film, I realized that I wanted to utilize my expertise to make a positive impact on the world. Currently I work professionally as a Content Marketing Manager for a non-profit serving the life path of individuals with neurodiversity, including autism, social anxiety, and similar special needs.

I've competed in several short-story competitions, most recently, NYC Midnight, where I received an honorable mention for my first submission, The Well. Currently, I am fully immersed in the creation of not one, but two novels that are fueling my creative fire. Chance in Love, a romantic comedy infused with a vibrant LGBTQ+ essence, and Eli the Oreo a poignant coming-of-age narrative, thoughtfully nestled within the nostalgic cocoon of my favorite era — the 90s.

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